The ACG Guide to Summering

The ACG Guide to Summering

Ah, summer. We love it. Not just for how it makes
us feel during its sunny, let’s-eat-another-popsicle
season, but for the way of life it represents. We
want to bottle up its vibe and drink it down all year
long. Here at ACG, we are on a mission to help
everyone make the most of summer and learn
from her wise ways. In this guide, we’ve collected
some sure-fire pointers to perfect the art of
Summering. Watch them as many times as
needed––and then, step outside into the great
wide yonder and try them out for yourself.

The ACG Guide to Summering

Ah, summer. We love it. Not just for how it makes us feel during its sunny, let’s-eat-another-popsicle season, but for the way of life it represents. We want to bottle up its vibe and drink it down all year long. Here at ACG, we are on a mission to help everyone make the most of summer and learn from her wise ways. In this guide, we’ve collected some sure-fire pointers to perfect the art of Summering. Watch them as many times as needed––and then, step outside into the great wide yonder and try them out for yourself.

How To: Have More Fun with Less

The Great Outdoors doesn’t need any more stuff. In fact, you hardly need anything at all to go outside and soak up a little TLC from Mother Nature. In this lesson, we’ll show how to use what you already have on your next Summering adventure.

How To: Have More Fun with Less

The Great Outdoors doesn’t need any more stuff.
In fact, you hardly need anything at all to go
outside and soak up a little TLC from Mother
Nature. In this lesson, we’ll show how to use what
you already have on your next Summering adventure.

How To: Listen to Mother Nature

Do you hear that? Listen very carefully. Even more
carefully. Yes, there it is. Nature! She is speaking
to you all the time and has secrets aplenty to
share. This How-To helps you deepen your
listening skills in time for your next Summercation.

How To: Listen to Mother Nature

Do you hear that? Listen very carefully. Even more carefully. Yes, there it is. Nature! She is speaking to you all the time and has secrets aplenty to share. This How-To helps you deepen your listening skills in time for your next Summercation.

How To: Keep Up with the Sun

Summer isn’t summer without the sun. But the sun
can be very hot and sunburns hurt! Fear not. All
you need to do is make friends with that big,
bright and impressive star in our sky, and it’s
smooth sailing from there. Follow these pro-
Summering tips to maximize your enjoyment.

How To: Keep Up with the Sun

Summer isn’t summer without the sun. But the sun can be very hot and sunburns hurt! Fear not. All you need to do is make friends with that big, bright and impressive star in our sky, and it’s smooth sailing from there. Follow these pro-Summering tips to maximize your enjoyment.

How To: Stay Cool and have a Great Summer

Want to enjoy the outdoors for longer? Heck yes
you do. Then it’s important to learn how to stay
cool and keep your experience pleasant. We’ve
got your back with Summering tips that include
drinking straight from a coconut and putting a
bubble blower to use. Yes, a bubble blower.

How To: Stay Cool and have a Great Summer

Want to enjoy the outdoors for longer? Heck yes you do. Then it’s important to learn how to stay cool and keep your experience pleasant. We’ve got your back with Summering tips that include drinking straight from a coconut and putting a bubble blower to use. Yes, a bubble blower.

The ACG Guide to Summering