Nike Phantom Luna Elite


40% 折扣

Hyper Turquoise/Fuchsia Dream/黑色
設計專屬於你的 Nike By You 產品

你的全方位控球進攻實力無庸置疑, 越是在重大時刻,全場目光集中,越能激發你的球技表現。 讓這款 Phantom Luna 再助你一臂之力。 我們根據女性運動員的分析,為滿足每位足球員的需求,精心打造抓地紋路,讓你在場上充滿自信、快速攻防。 專為追求精進技藝的球員而設計,採用創新 Nike Gripknitit 來提供優異觸球感,有助於在賽況升溫時更精準切球。

  • 顯示顏色: Hyper Turquoise/Fuchsia Dream/黑色
  • 款式: FN8405-300


  • 標準設計:如襪般的貼合感受,出色包覆足部,締造犀利的精準度
  • 舒適貼合;若偏好略為寬鬆的版型,建議選購大半號。


訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

  • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

  • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

Nike 會員享免費退貨服務免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

評價 (25)

4 顆星

  • Love these!

    JamieM413293733 - 2023年10月08日

    My daughter really wanted these cleats after hearing about the circular cleats to prevent less injuries. My daughter plays competitive soccer so she practices 4 times a week plus games. She loves to run and dribble with these cleats. She loves the feel and fit. She has worn similar styles so was used to the higher “sock” on the ankle. She ordered her normal size women’s 10. They fit perfect and she has been very happy with them. Would definitely recommend.

  • MiguelG132965635 - 2023年9月19日

    Look good but feel terrible on feet

  • Back to the Field

    Momof3 - 2023年8月27日

    As a former soccer player, I was excited to get back on the field with my kids and join them as they start their soccer journey. These Phantom Luna Elite Soccer Cleats were the perfect shoes foe me to do it in! They are true to size and are flexible enough to feel like your feet have room to breathe. They are eye catching and got some envious looks from the other parents on the field. Overall, they are very comfortable, provide great support, and are a great soccer cleat!