
Nike Pegasus FlyEase


20% 折扣

Fuchsia Dream/黑色/白色/Bright Crimson
設計專屬於你的 Nike By You 產品

就讓 Nike Pegasus FlyEase 不分跑程的平穩勁馳腳感,帶你突破新高。 高度支撐感,全程包圍雙足;足底 Air 氣墊,讓步伐從腳跟到腳尖的受力轉換更流暢。 Nike FlyEase 技術可發揮束帶作用,有助穩固貼合。 歷經千錘百鍊的展翼戰靴再度回歸, 蓄勢御風高飛。

  • 顯示顏色: Fuchsia Dream/黑色/白色/Bright Crimson
  • 款式: DJ7383-501


  • 版型較小,建議訂購大半號尺寸

評價 (31)

4.2 顆星

  • Ayianacbc9e132eea24742910f5a5848c343fe - 2024年4月23日

    I'll be honest, going into this knowing that these shoes fit big even in women's was a little scary - my heels are slim, and that often makes or breaks shoes for me. So I went half a size up and prayed...and it worked out just fine. They do look a little wonky when you put them on, but you can adjust the velcro to make it as close to what it looks like empty as possible. Looking forward to breaking them in properly.

  • Stroke Survivor x Nike

    AnnaRoseEllaR582591343 - 2024年2月11日

    I had stroke Feb 15 2022. My right side was affected. I wear a leg brace which is more challenging putting on shoes. I went to chat with a rep; asking for help on what shoes can make it easier thru the Nike app. Thanks to her, I found out about this shoes, I had to order 2 sizes bigger so my brace can fit. I love it!!!

  • Haylee868202510 - 2023年12月30日

    They are comfy but they are not for wide feet