
Nike Canyon



旅程,就從穿上 Nike Canyon 涼鞋的那一刻開始。戶外健行勇者,準備出發探索。採用厚實外底、柔軟泡棉中底、三束帶扣合系統與高級金屬光澤處理等 Nike 經典設計元素。無論都市叢林或是原野風光,本款全方位機能裝備都可為你穩住腳步,讓你輕鬆應付前方所有挑戰。盡情享受。因為你值得。

  • 顯示顏色: 黑色/黑色/白色
  • 款式: CI8797-002

評價 (3)

3 顆星

  • FRONT buckle is pure aesthetic

    Jim_Simmonds - 2021年9月15日

    So i liked* these alot, was very comfy for walks, and look decent. After a couple of walks, the neoprene lossened slightly, so i tried to tighten the front buckle, which would just loosen within a few steps. The other velro have a very limited range, so you will struggle to do them up, and then after a short while, you will not be able to do them up enough, I ended up returning all 3 pairs.

  • Very good

    GrahameL161704239 - 2021年8月28日

    Really good quality and smart looking

  • Half sizes are needed aswell

    J A. - 2021年7月29日

    They very nice but no good as you don’t do 8.5 in men’s sizes and when not quite 8.5 your big toes stick out of the front an size 9 is too big so someone like me can’t we’re them