Girls' Clothing

The measurements on the size chart are body measurements. Find your correct size in the chart below.

Scroll horizontally to see more sizes.

Size Chart
Numeric Size6 - 78 - 910 - 1214 - 1618 - 20
Age7 - 88 - 1010 - 1212 - 1313 - 15
Height (in)47 - 5151 - 5555 - 5959 - 6363 - 67
Chest (in)25.5 - 2727 - 2929 - 3131 - 33.533.5 - 36.5
Waist (in)23.5 - 2424 - 2525 - 2727 - 2828 - 29.5
Hip (in)27 - 2929 - 3131 - 3333 - 3535 - 37

Fit Tips

If one of your measurements is on the borderline between two sizes, order the smaller size for a tighter fit or the larger size for a looser fit.

If your measurements for chest and waist correspond to two different suggested sizes, order the one indicated by your chest measurement.

How To Measure

  • CHEST: Measure around the fullest part of your chest, keeping the measuring tape horizontal.
  • WAIST: Measure around the narrowest part (typically where your body bends side to side), keeping the tape horizontal.
  • HIPS: Measure around the fullest part of your hips, keeping the tape horizontal.

What's Your Style of Fit?