
Nike Zoom Fly 5 Premium


40% 折扣

讓週末練跑和比賽日無縫接軌。 Nike Zoom Fly 5 從令人躍躍欲試的比賽起跑點到比賽過後的任何時刻,皆可選擇這款低調路跑鞋。舒適穩固的推進腳感,締造疾速快感與清新活力。 這種多功能性在跑步比賽場合非常少見, 但誰說不能樣樣都有?

  • 顯示顏色: Luminous Green/Volt/Lime Blast/黑色
  • 款式: FQ8112-331


訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

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評價 (4)

4.5 顆星

  • Good Distance Shoe

    RickC384730039 - 2024年3月01日

    (Runner Type: 4-6 mile runs at a 6:30- 6:45 pace age 27) So far I logged about 20 miles in the shoe. They look great and have good support on the heel to help absorb impact and save your knees. The shoe is not aggressive or as responsive as the Vapor Fly next gen% (my favorite), but for the price point it's a good bang for your buck. I recommend them for long distance runs with a medium tempo pace. Now as much as I want to love the Zoom Fly 5s there are some cons which is making me have to exchange/replace them. The left shoe makes a weird suction and popping noise? I believe it is the zoom bubble in the insole, I've popped that before in my old ZoomX. Under the shoe foot sole is some type of foamy recycled material that started to come out and create weird lumps and gaps. This made my left foot very uncomfortable especially when you are trying to hit a good pace. I won't knock Nike down though, I'll just contact customer service they always help me even with warranty. - Rick C. (The 805 Runner)

  • A shoe you’ll need to consider

    ThomasC622054954 - 2024年2月14日

    An elite running shoe which will definitely improve performance and timings. These shoes will improve your running technique but be weary of sizing and the need to break them in before getting best results.

  • Simply Love it!

    tolgatuglular - 2024年1月20日

    As a running enthusiast, I am using Zoom Fly since its first iteration. It is getting better and better each time. It's a great all round training shoe, suitable for day to day training, pretty much for all distances. Very comfortable and stable natural running shoe for all surfaces. It's heavier relative to super racing shoes but hey, we don't drive around with a racing car every day in the city. Bottomline, love it and highly recommend to every recreational runner.