Nike Winflo 9 Premium


40% 折扣

Winflo 9 提供面面俱到的騁馳體驗,助你暢跑直前。 無論你的配速是不疾不徐或風馳電掣,這款特別版本都能讓你馬不停蹄。 Nike Air 氣墊與柔軟彈力泡棉,搭配個性化玩趣圖樣,時刻提醒你,再艱難的跑程,也能開心每一步。 立即行動,起腳出發! 我們已為你準備周全。

  • 顯示顏色: Coconut Milk/Sanddrift/Racer Blue/Stadium Green
  • 款式: DV8997-100

評價 (5)

2.8 顆星

  • Shahid88082900 - 2023年7月26日

    For a long and comfortable run

  • Mixed Comfort and Durability Experience

    EduardoL843221362 - 2023年7月08日

    While I found them to be incredibly comfortable, I encountered a recurring issue with the heel. Unfortunately, the heel of the shoe seemed to deteriorate or break far too easily. This has been a consistent problem I've experienced with Nike shoes in the past as well.

  • JoseAndresR88174791 - 2023年7月05日

    After a week they started to squeak like no other. It sucks because they are really comfortable . I wish I could return them. I actually want to throw them away since I have no use for them. Waste of money . It is not possible to go on a walk on these in peace.