Nike Air Max 90 GORE-TEX


20% 折扣

Summit White/Bright Crimson/黑色/Cool Grey
黑色/Anthracite/Mica Green/Honeydew

繫好鞋帶,體驗傳奇。 多虧有了 GORE-TEX 和網布材質的混合搭配,AM90 鞋款將陪你一路披荊斬棘,征服所有冒險。 曾為御用鞋款,經聯名改造,推出過多款膾炙人口的獨特配色,配備鬆餅格紋鞋底、百分百視覺效果,以及 Nike Air 緩震系統,人氣始終居高不下。

  • 顯示顏色: Summit White/Bright Crimson/黑色/Cool Grey
  • 款式: FD5810-101


  • 版型較小,建議訂購大半號尺寸


訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

  • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
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  • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
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訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

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評價 (42)

3.9 顆星

  • too bad those are not made in reworked cut

    xlr84xs - 2024年5月06日

    it is at least half size smaller than the regular size, In length but also in width, So for me I am regular size 10 and I purchased this one in size 11, and it was not a mistake now that they fit perfectly so basically maybe even two size up, because this is a very stiff Sneaker with lots of stitches so it's would be very uncomfortable to wear in my true size, and even in size 10 1/2 I guess. It would be even better shoe if Nike made those in the newer ,recratfed cut way , and not with the older , tow box oversised height way )

  • UK Stepper 1s

    Joseph441265051 - 2024年5月01日

    These shoes fit really well and are the perfect everyday shoes especially for the Great British Climate! much better choice for the wet, muddy climate of England. water will just bounce off the shoe.

  • Order half size bigger. Great stylish shoe

    MartinC291935831 - 2024年4月26日

    Agree that you should defo order half size bigger as they are a little narrow. Having said that, they are super comfortable, stylish and think they will be durable too. Love that they are waterproof too, although yet to test! Would defo recommend them