Nike ACG Mountain Fly 2 低筒鞋 GORE-TEX


40% 折扣

Dark Obsidian/Midnight Navy/Persian Violet/Light Carbon
Phantom/Light Silver/Mica Green/Dark Smoke Grey

採用疾速越野風格,讓你無論在城市、沙漠、峽谷或山區探險,都能如魚得水。 Mountain Fly 2 輕量設計經久耐穿,有助於防止磨損。 黏性橡膠外底,打造足以應付懸崖峭壁的抓地力,搭配柔軟泡棉,提供令人折服的卓越舒適感。 更配有 GORE-TEX 細節,使你常保乾爽,隨時準備展開下一場冒險。

  • 顯示顏色: Dark Obsidian/Midnight Navy/Persian Violet/Light Carbon
  • 款式: HF6245-400

評價 (6)

3.3 顆星

  • The best shoe

    Adam820041029 - 2024年5月07日

    Very high quality shoes for any outdoor activity. A bit heavy but they do not slip or slide and keep you on your feet when other shoes would not. I love these shoes they are my #1.

  • Uncomfortable

    Big*Coop* - 2024年4月15日

    The look nice on your foot but after owning several pairs of ACG’s I’d say these are the most uncomfortable pair I’ve owned. They are really stiff to walk in and they hurt the top of my feet. Maybe I need to keep wearing them to break them in. After two wears they are pretty stiff.

  • Disappointed

    mr.haynes - 2024年4月03日

    I have the mountain fly boots, I was excited to get these! Unfortunately, they are very uncomfortable.