
ナイキ ACG ウォーターキャット+




濡れても平気。 速乾性に優れたウォーターキャット+は、水と戯れるのが好きな人が、水辺で遊んだり川を渡ったりするときに最適のアイテム。 Nikeの長いウーブンシューズの歴史の集大成となる一足。防水性のコードで編み上げたミニマルなアッパーで、軽量かつ通気性に優れた履き心地を実現しました。 すばやく着脱できるオリジナルモデルの編み構造を継承しながら、シューズ全体のフィット感と構造を改良。川辺で一日遊んでも快適な履き心地が持続します。 また、滑りやすい岩やぬかるんだトレイルが多い自然のウォーターパークに対応するため、起伏のあるラグを備えたミックスラバーアウトソールにより、魚の吸盤よりも高いグリップ力を提供。 All Conditions Gear (あらゆる状況で使えるギア) の名に恥じない実力を発揮します。 ウォーターキャット+を履いて、川遊びを存分に楽しみましょう。

  • 表示カラー: ビビッドサルファー/ブラック/ユニバーシティレッド/ユニバーシティゴールド
  • スタイル: CZ0931-700
  • 原産地: ベトナム

レビュー (55)



  • Good looking

    AlisonS607433159 - 2024年2月19日

    I am in love. Can’t wait to these babies off

  • Love them

    CoryF265156007 - 2024年2月12日

    I love them! I bought apparently the last 10s and even though they are snug. Like not a bad snug, but they're awesome. I love the color too!!!!!

  • ACG Watercat

    Dee - 2024年1月10日

    After a couple of weeks wearing the ACG Warercat+ I definitely do like them as an overall shoe. At first the look was not doing it for me, but as I continued to wear them it grew on me. It’s comfortable and stylish in my opinion and something new in my closet. The comfortability of the shoe actually took me by surprise and give it a rating of a 4/5. I used these a lot for normal walks with my dog and grocery runs, but I’d like to try these on a trail hike soon. I also like the lace lock system on the shoe without actually having laces but almost like a drawstring cordura type of lacing system. The shoe is more of a spring/summer type of shoe since it’s not fully enclosed due to the elastic woven string materials it is made of, so your feet will definitely get wet it worn in the rain. As for the fit of the shoe it was actually a little difficult to get my feet in, but as soon as I got them in the shoes were a little bit big on me. I usually go true to size with most shoes, but for these I’d recommend sizing half a size down. The color blocking of the shoes was also a miss for me at first, with a base of navy blue mixed with bright laser orange, but it grew on me as I wore it out more since the orange gives a nice pop to it. Overall this is a great shoe in terms of functionality, comfortability, and even looks wise. Just don’t wear these in the rain or on hikes with puddles if you’re not looking to get your feet wet.