Work Outside Your Habits

Coaching and Nutrition
Last updated: June 5, 2020

By Kirsty Godso

Push Yourself to Improve Your Strength

Push yourself just a little bit further to see big improvements in your skill and strength over time.

One big thing I remind my clients about is the importance of working outside of your habits. This means that instead of doing what you’ve always done, you need to push yourself further.

It’s easy to complain that what you’ve tried before hasn’t worked, or to bail out once things get really challenging. But instead of complaining, which just breathes life into the problem, think of yourself as having a 2.0 mentality, where you’ll be a little bit stronger and healthier every day, creating a foundation you can build on.

Often, when people are doing a workout, they get to a point where they’re really exerting themselves and are pushed to the edge of what they’ve done before.

And because it’s so hard – you’re sweating, or a little shaky, or your heart is pounding – you just stop.

“Maybe your habit is giving up when it gets too hard. But why would you quit then? That moment is exactly what you’re training for.”

Kirsty Godso

Even if you just push on for another three seconds, that might not seem like a big achievement.

But it is, because you’ve got that in your body bank now. You made a deposit, and you can build on that the next time you work out, and you keep adding on and on. Think of it as accumulating interest on your fitness goals.

Over time, if you keep pushing on when you normally cave, your body’s balance sheet will continue to grow.

The next time you work out and it gets challenging, try to make a new habit of pushing yourself a few seconds longer or a few reps further.

Push Yourself to Improve Your Strength

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Push Yourself to Improve Your Strength

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Originally published: April 21, 2020