
ナイキ ブラジリア 9.5

トレーニングバックパック (ミディアム、24L)



ギアをナイキ ブラジリア バックパックに入れて出かけよう。 ラップトップ用のスリーブ、飲料ボトル用のサイドメッシュポケット、小物を安全に収納できるジッパー付きポケットなど、荷物を整理できる複数のポケットを備えています。 この商品には、リサイクルポリエステル繊維が50%以上使用されています。

  • 表示カラー: ブラック/ブラック/ホワイト
  • スタイル: DH7709-010
  • 原産地: インドネシア、 中国





  • リサイクルポリエステルを使用したNike製品の製造工程は、廃棄されたペットボトルを洗浄し、フレーク状に細断加工してペレットに変換することから始まります。 このペレットを原料にして紡いだ新しい高品質の糸を使用して、最高の性能を備えたうえに、環境にも優しいNikeの製品が作られます。
  • リサイクルポリエステルによって無駄を減らせるだけでなく、未使用のポリエステルと比べてカーボン排出量を最大30%削減できます。 Nikeは、埋め立て地や河川から回収したペットボトルを年間平均10億本リサイクルしています。
  • 二酸化炭素排出ゼロ、廃棄物ゼロを目指すMove to Zeroの詳細をチェックしよう。Nikeは、サステナビリティに配慮した製品デザインに取り組むことで、私たちが暮らし、プレーする地球の未来を守ります。

レビュー (38)



  • 10/10 would recommend!!

    LillieA679969373 - 2024年4月01日

    nike really did it! this bag is amazing i needed one for my volleyball season to hold my shoes and sometimes my ball. it fits great! i love this versatile bag!

  • So many useful functions

    MSV - 2024年1月14日

    I sometimes struggle to find a comfortable and stylish backpacks that I’ll wear more than once. This one has ended up in my gym rotation and I absolutely love it! I also use it for other random events including holidays & traveling away from work which is super convenient and it kept me very organised. I love the colour and the materials, I packed this thing out so much and never did I feel like it couldn’t handle it. There are so many compartments within the bag and on the outside, sometimes I did find that there was that many compartments it would take me longer to find things, some didn’t feel necessary though I still appreciated them. I felt like my things were safe and secure inside the bag. I would love this in a smaller version, as I did find it quite large for myself personally as an everyday backpack, though for those certain occasions it was perfect. I will note I split a drink inside it and it took that well also, I was able to clean the bag without there being loads of mess and to follow there were not stains or markings. My favourite part was the padded, adjustable shoulder straps that let you carry the pack comfortably. Loved the Nike swoosh on the front also.

  • A bag I didn’t know I needed

    Chelle_k - 2023年11月18日

    The first thing that drew me to this bag was that it’s pink. I find it hard to find bags in that colour that aren’t aimed at children or small. I have just started the gym and thought it’d be perfect for that. I did I initially think it was very big compared to my usual backpack but now I love that about it. It has 5 separate compartments in total. Which is great and helps keep me organised so I’m not rooting round trying to dig out my keys and phone. Two deeps compartments and then a half size at the front. Going to the gym I have lots of things I don’t want to mix. Such as clean trainers, my used towel and kit and a spare pair of clothes. It’s great that I can separate these. The side mesh pocket is great for a decent size water bottle and the other side pocket has a zip so is great for carrying my earphones or keys. The bag is really light for it’s size which I’m glad of as I’m already packing a fair bit of weight into it. I’ve had so many compliments on my bag as well and haven’t seen one like it yet which I love as it’s different and stands out