ナイキ ダウンシフター 11

メンズ ロード ランニングシューズ



ナイキ ダウンシフター 11は、軽量で柔軟なサポート性で長距離ランに対応。 前モデルから継承した柔らかいクッショニングは健在です。さらに足中央部のサポート性を強化して、ワークアウトの後も快適な履き心地をキープ。

  • 表示カラー: クールグレー/ライトスモークグレー/ダークグレー/ハイパークリムゾン
  • スタイル: CW3411-007
  • 原産地: ベトナム

レビュー (33)



  • 疲れにくい

    harahecchan - 2023年8月24日


  • hallaman - 2023年8月10日


  • Materials Change?

    RobertS898340687 - 2022年3月08日

    I've been wearing Downshifters for a long time, this is my 5th pair I believe. Love the shoes, which is why I have continued buying them. I replaced some that were 4-5 years old back in November, when the sole started wearing out after I started jogging again. I noticed today that after less than 4 months, they are looking like the ones they replaced. These get used 5 times a week to walk ~4 miles. I don't wear them to the gym or anywhere else, and I'm walking on sidewalks and grass only. It took my other pairs at least a year or two to wear down to this level, and that was wearing them as my primary shoes as well as walking/running. I'm at about 220 at 6'5" so this might be something to be aware of if you're bigger and looking at these shoes. They're otherwise great shoes, comfortable, fit right, and look nice. Not sure if they've switched materials or something.
