
ナイキ エア ズーム ペガサス 39

ウィメンズ ロード ランニングシューズ (ワイド)



ランニングが毎日の習慣であれば、一歩踏み出すごとに目標に近づきます。 快適で直感的なデザインのナイキ エア ズーム ペガサス 39で、新しい高みを目指しましょう。 サポート性のある履き心地で足をしっかりと固定。足裏のクッションが、かかとからつま先への体重移動に合わせてステップに反発性を加えます。 定評のあるペガサスが帰ってきました。 今こそ飛び立とう。

  • 表示カラー: ブラック/ダークスモークグレー/ホワイト
  • スタイル: DM0173-001
  • 原産地: 中国


重量:約217g (24cm 片方)


レビュー (80)



  • Had to Return

    nasnas444 - 2023年4月04日

    Have to agree with the reviewer that said this is a narrow cut for an extra wide. The toe box just isn't wide enough to be comfortable and I could feel my big toe asking for more room. The Vomero has been a better option for this in the past- hoping for a new version soon with no major changes (and of course, some colors other than black and white)!

  • Pleasantly surprised

    Jamz - 2023年3月26日

    I got these shoes right as I was starting a 10k step challenge for work. I was previously using a higher end running shoe, so I was skeptical when I got these. After 12 days in these shoes have no only meet my expectations, but surpassed them. I find myself reaching for these wether I am going to get some exercise or running errands. The shoe is supportive, cool design, comfortable. Even after wearing them all day exercising and walking around an outdoor park, my feet felt great that night when I got home. Love that the sole isn't white. I feel it helps keep them looking new longer.

  • Comfortable

    Seattledad - 2023年3月25日

    Very conformable shoe! The style is great for any occasion and I love the color! The sole of the shoe is comfortable for all day activities. Great product!
