
ナイキ エア ズーム テンポ ネクスト%

メンズ ロード ランニングシューズ



レース当日に最適であるのはもちろんのこと、トレーニング用シューズとしても頼りになる一足。 サポート性のあるフィット感と柔らかいクッショニングで、10km以上のランに耐えられる快適さと、必要な時にペースを上げるための軽さを実現しました。

  • 表示カラー: ホワイト/ユニバーシティレッド/ブラック
  • スタイル: CI9923-102
  • 原産地: ベトナム


  • ぴったりとしたフィット感。 ゆったりめのフィット感がお好みの場合は、ハーフサイズ上の大きさがおすすめです。

レビュー (288)



  • Great shoe

    New2nike - 2024年1月20日

    I’ve read some mixed reviews on these. They are my first pair of Nike running shoes I usual run in newtons. If you like the sound of your own feet these are great everyone hears you coming. I’ve had them a couple of weeks and done a couple 10k and 5ks in them they feel great light responsive and haven’t had to bed them in. Great shoe for the price

  • @Nike - Bring Back the Tempo!!

    bkolp - 2023年12月06日

    I’m writing this review after seeing these shoes are now sold out. These are the best everyday training shoes Nike has ever made and there’s nothing else on the market that comes close. I’ll get by for the next few months as I buy multiple pairs of trainers at a time and still have a couple of unopened pairs of these, but I’m hoping that by then they will either be restocked or a new version will be offered because I really don’t think there are any other trainers as good as these!

  • Good shoe but had quality issues

    zebby1796 - 2023年10月06日

    The shoe is great for running but like other had an issue with the air capsule popping with 3 weeks of buying them and switched to a Zoom Fly 5. Still recommend giving them a shot and return them if you have the same issue


