Materials sostenibles

Nike ACG Aysén

Motxilla (32 l)

189,99 €

Per gaudir de les millors experiències a l'aire lliure necessites l'equipament adequat. El material Dyneema® durador i flexible present a la part superior de la bossa manté la ronyonera al seu lloc en tot moment. Aquest disseny inclou molt d’emmagatzematge interior extensible, un tancament amb botó magnètic, clips per a mosquetons i una corretja per a l'espatlla per oferir-te tot el que necessites per a les excursions i els trajectes del dia a dia.

  • Color mostrat: Vintage Green/Light Iron Ore/Blanc
  • Model: DV4054-338

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Com s'ha confeccionat?

  • El polièster reciclat que inclouen els productes Nike s'extreu a partir d'ampolles de plàstic reciclades, que es netegen, es trituren en flocs i es converteixen en boletes. Aquestes boletes es converteixen en noves fibres d'alta qualitat, que s'utilitzen als nostres productes per oferir un alt rendiment amb menys impacte contra el medi ambient.
  • A més de reduir els residus, el polièster reciclat redueix les emissions de carboni fins al 30 % en comparació amb el polièster verge. Nike recupera anualment una mitjana de mil milions d’ampolles de plàstic dels abocadors i vies fluvials.
  • Obtén més informació sobre el nostre programa Move to Zero per avançar en el camí de la neutralitat de carboni i l'eliminació dels residus. Entre d'altres coses, estem treballant per dissenyar productes amb materials sostenibles amb l'objectiu de protegir el futur de l'entorn on vivim i juguem.

Ressenyes (4)

4.3 Estrelles

  • ACG at its finest

    MohamedA79985637 - 25 de febr. de 2024

    So spacious! If you’re a fan of ACG then you know what time it is. Clips have a little more of an edge to keep your bag closed and hooked securely. If they drop more color ways I’d buy everyone! I bought black and purple too

  • Chest clip non-functional, but lots of storage

    TheStoicPaisano - 18 de gen. de 2024

    I had the same problem as below with the chest clip immediately slipping out of the shoulder strap. Annoying, but not as much as the fact that it's a pain to reinsert. This is a very "tall" bag with tons of storage. The accents are very orange (rather than red), and I'm interested in seeing how the white material handles dirt. It sits comfortably on the shoulders, but would be better with a functioning chest clip. Great at the January 2024 discount price, not recommended at MSRP.

  • Underperformaing s-hooks and useless chest strap means you probably should skip that one

    Xaelias - 29 de nov. de 2023

    As the other reviewer, I wish they had used snaps instead of S-hooks. They're more reliable (won't come off on their own) and easier to use one-handed. Moreover, the chest strap is a fail as far as design goes. Not only is it tiny. But it doesn't stay in the shoulder strap. As soon as you put any sort of pressure on it (which is kind of the purpose of a chest strap...) it just... pops off. I guess if I keep the bag I'll have to glue it or something. I'm a bit disappointed in the quality overall because of these two main issues. It really feels like a lot of decisions where made for looks more than usability / quality. That being said, it is fairly comfortable, and the pockets are fairly well designed. I wish the pocket on top of the laptop sleeve was slightly bigger. As it is it doesn't fit a kindle for instance.