Cinc passos senzills per rentar les dessuadores i que mantinguin la suavitat

Cura dels productes

Segueix aquests passos perquè la teva dessuadora amb caputxa quedi com nova i evitar que s'encongeixi, es descoloreixi o perdi la suavitat.

Última actualització: 24 de gener de 2023
5 min. de lectura
Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau

Una bona dessuadora amb caputxa és una peça de roba versàtil que proporciona calidesa i comoditat sempre que te la poses. Veure com la teva dessuadora preferida s'encongeix o es descoloreix quan la rentes pot ser una gran decepció. No deixis que la teva estimada dessuadora amb caputxa acabi així.

Les dessuadores amb caputxa poden ser difícils de rentar perquè sovint tenen estampats que perden el color amb el temps o perden la forma quan les rentes. Tampoc no oblidem com n'és de molest que el cordó de la caputxa se surti en rentar-la.

Per allargar la vida útil de les dessuadores amb caputxa cal tenir-ne cura. Per evitar que s'encongeixin, es descoloreixin o perdin la suavitat, hi ha unes quantes coses que pots fer perquè semblin noves durant més temps.

Com rentar i tenir cura de les dessuadores amb caputxa

  1. 1.Don’t Wash Your Hoodie After Every Wear

    For clothing in general, the more you wash and throw it into the dryer, the quicker it fades. Frequent washing can also cause fabrics to pill (when the threads break and tangle up into little fuzzy balls) or lose their shape and color.

    For some laundry, such as dirty workout clothes, washing after every wear is a must. But this is not the case with a hoodie. It’s perfectly fine to wash it only after you wear it five or six times. In fact, that's part of the attraction of using a hoodie like a jacket.

    If you’re concerned about the way it smells, consider using anti-odor fabric spray to neutralize odors between washes.

    Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau
  2. 2.Turn the Hoodie Inside Out

    Before you throw your hoodie into the washer, turn it inside out to protect the outside layer. This helps prevent the color from bleeding and keeps the outer layer from rubbing against other garments in the wash.

    Also, zip it up to help protect it against snagging on other items you have in the machine. If your hoodie comes with a drawstring, tie up the string to prevent it from slipping out during the wash.

    Try to keep similar types of fabrics and clothing together when you wash them. For example, separate colors (dark vs. light) and clothing types (underwear vs. outerwear).

    Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau
  3. 3.Use Cold Water

    Cold water is less likely to shrink or fade and ruin clothes, especially anything made of cotton. Cold water can also reduce wrinkles, which saves both time and the energy costs associated with ironing. Your best bet with hoodies, cardigans or pullovers is washing with cold water on a gentle cycle.

    When you use hot water, about 90 percent of your washing machine’s energy goes towards heating the water. Using cold water to wash your clothes eliminates this energy, which reduces your monthly bills and decreases your carbon footprint.

    If you have the time, an even more sustainable method is to hand wash your hoodie. Just soak it for 20 minutes with a little bit of detergent and cold water, then rinse in small tub. When in doubt, read the care label.

    Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau
  4. 4.Choose Detergent Wisely

    While it’s fine to use regular detergent, you may want to consider using a mild detergent to extend the life of your hoodie’s fabric. Mild detergents are made specifically for delicate items such as silk, wool and cotton. If you’re more concerned about keeping the color of your hoodie bright and fade-free, try a color-preserving detergent.

    You may have heard that vinegar is a staple household item that helps you do everything from unclogging drains to cleaning your hair. It works with clothing, too!

    Just add a little bit of vinegar with your gentle detergent. This helps keep darker colors from bleeding into each other and acts as a natural fabric softener.

    Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau
  5. 5.Avoid These 3 Washing Mistakes

    Try to avoid the following washing mistakes in order to lengthen the life of your hoodie and other items of clothing.
    1. Using fabric softener: It may help remove wrinkles and keep your clothes smelling fresh, but over time, fabric softeners build up a waxy substance on clothing. This waxy coating causes fabrics to be less absorbent, which can pose a problem if you’re washing moisture-wicking workout clothes (such as Nike Dri-FIT). Consider air drying or using wool dryer balls.
    2. Overstuffing the washing machine: Don't be tempted to add more clothing. This causes excess friction, which may damage your clothing over time. Ensure your hoodie has plenty of space for movement in the laundry cycle.
    3. Relying on the dryer: Always air dry because it’s a gentler way to keep fabrics soft and shrink-free. Avoid direct sunlight because it can cause colors to fade. Instead, dry it flat on a clean towel or hang it in a cool, dry room.
    Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau

Consell extra: Fes servir una bossa per a la roba

Planteja't fer servir una bossa per a la roba per protegir encara més la dessuadora amb caputxa i evitar que friccioni amb les altres peces a la rentadora.

Una bossa per a la roba és una bossa lleugera amb cordó que sol ser de malla. Està dissenyada perquè el detergent hi passi a través i netegi la roba, tot separant-la de la resta de la bugada.

Com cal rentar una dessuadora amb caputxa perquè es mantingui suau

Allarga la vida de la teva dessuadora

Llegeix sempre les instruccions de rentada de l'etiqueta, perquè normalment s'hi especifica si no hauries de rentar la peça a la rentadora o si l'hauries de rentar en sec, per exemple.

Si tens cura de la dessuadora amb caputxa i la rentes amb aigua freda, fas servir un detergent suau i la deixes eixugar a l'aire, mantindrà la suavitat i el color, i et durarà més temps.

Publicat originalment el: 13 de setembre de 2021

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