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Nike Zenvy

Leggings de cintura alta, subjecció lleugera i longitud completa - Dona

99,99 €

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Midnight Navy/Negre
Cargo Khaki/Negre
Red Stardust/Negre
Baroque Brown/Negre

Els nostres leggings Nike Zenvy ofereixen una suavitat increïble i llibertat de moviment per al ioga, els passejos en bicicleta o les caminades. El teixit InfinaSoft ofereix lleugeresa i supera la prova dels esquats amb una suavitat que pots sentir cada cop que et doblegues, t'estires i canvies de postura. El disseny inclou menys butxaques per oferir un look estilitzat, tot i que la butxaca oberta a la part posterior central és prou gran per ficar-hi el telèfon. A més, són prou duradors per fer exercici, ficar-los a la rentadora i portar-los cada dia.

  • Color mostrat: Negre/Negre
  • Model: DQ6013-010

Talles i ajustos

  • Ajust cenyit: adaptat a la forma del cos
  • Subjecció suau: t'envolta còmodament i ofereix molta llibertat de moviment
  • Longitud completa: arriba per sota dels turmells
  • Cintura alta: arriba fins a la cintura o més amunt per oferir més protecció

Enviament i devolucions gratuïts

Enviament estàndard gratuït amb la teva Nike Membership.

Com s'ha confeccionat?

  • El nylon reciclat dels productes de Nike s'aprofita per elaborar una gran varietat de materials que s'utilitzen per fabricar pistes de tennis o xarxes per pescar. El nylon es neteja, es classifica i es talla en llàmines. Després, se sotmet a processos de reciclatge químics o mecànics per crear fils nous de nylon reciclat.
  • Les peces confeccionades amb materials fabricats fets amb nylon reciclat redueixen les emissions de diòxid de carboni fins a un 50 % en comparació amb el nylon nou.
  • Obtén més informació sobre el nostre programa Move to Zero per avançar en el camí de la neutralitat de carboni i l'eliminació dels residus. Entre d'altres coses, estem treballant per dissenyar productes amb materials sostenibles amb l'objectiu de protegir el futur de l'entorn on vivim i juguem.

Ressenyes (123)

4.6 Estrelles

  • Sleek lightweight Tights

    HangHere - 18 d’abr. de 2024

    Very comfortable lightweight tights, perfect for light exercise & everyday wear. Product fit is true to size. The pants have a soft/ sleek feel & clean design with no seam lines & there's a subtle Nike tick on the left hip area. Love the high fit waist, which is great for tummy control & the lighter color option (sage green) is perfect for spring/ summer look. There's also a bonus rear pocket to hold items. I would of preferred a ribbed seam at the bottom of the pants for ankle support. All around great product.

    El producte s'ha rebut gratis o s'ha valorat com a part d'un sorteig/obsequi, o com a resultat de bescanviar un descompte.
  • Natural feeling

    Nenja - 18 d’abr. de 2024

    Oh my goddess! These are so soft and comfortable! I feel like I’m not wearing anything. NOW I fully understand “lightweight” when it comes to leggings. They feel a part of me and just natural. I usually don’t go for “gentle support” because as a mother and educator, I’m very/always active and rarely have my hands free enough to attend to pulling up my pants frequently. I don’t like when the waist on leggings roll down and these don’t do that for me as much as I would expect. There’s no slouching in the crouch, which is another important detail. I am a woman with curves and for me, l feel they are true to size. I want these in all the colors. Prior to having children I was an active runner and needed my pants to not shift while I moved around for extended periods. This would be the pant that does that for me. I would recommend these for any body shape as well and that’s important. I’m excited about these pants and didn’t want to take them off! Weather-wise, these are not for the colder winters or hotter summers but definitely for all the times in between. However, I would wear them aa a layer under pants during the winter or as a thin cover up option in the summer nights!

    El producte s'ha rebut gratis o s'ha valorat com a part d'un sorteig/obsequi, o com a resultat de bescanviar un descompte.
  • Comfy

    Mama_Vee - 18 d’abr. de 2024

    I love how comfortable these leggings are and soft. I’ve bought different brands of leggings and I think this one just took the number one spot. I’ve washed them a couple of times and they feel the same as they did the first time I received them in the mail. Granted I did not put them in the washer. I am pretty petite 4”11 so they are a little long that is at least for me, but it’s not that big of a deal since they are leggings and are tight so it’s not like they drag. I love that they don’t roll at the stomach and it kinda gives a tummy control. I got the olive green color ones and they are a tiny bit see through so that knocked off a star for me and I kinda wish they had a side pocket to put my phone. Overall I would definitely recommend these leggings. More maybe for like yoga classes or for some where you don’t need to put something in your pocket.

    El producte s'ha rebut gratis o s'ha valorat com a part d'un sorteig/obsequi, o com a resultat de bescanviar un descompte.