Last updated: 30 June 2022
5 min read

Harness The Power Of Your Menstrual Cycle

Adapt your training to your cycle

Why Sync Your Training To Your Cycle?

Ever wonder why you feel pumped for a HIIT session one week, but just want to chill in śavāsana the next? Fluctuating hormones of your menstrual cycle could have something to do with it.

Understanding your body and adapting your training to your cycle could help you manage stress, boost immunity and improve your performance. Leaving you feeling fitter, stronger and simply better.

“Women are not small men, so we shouldn't train like them.”

Dr. Stacy Sims
PhD, Global Expert on Female Athlete Physiology

With the help of Stacy Sims, we’ve created NikeSync a new workout collection for people with periods helping you train to the key phases of your menstrual cycle. So take Day 1 of your period as the kick-off point to start syncing your training to your cycle and get the best out of your workouts.

Syncing Training and Cycle

The Three Phases of your Menstrual Cycle

The fact that your menstrual cycle has phases might be news to you. Or you may have heard it has two. three. Or four. Or even five phases. So, let’s clear up the confusion. Truth is, you can break down the menstrual cycle into many phases based on what you want to focus on. We’ve just simplified it for training to the three phases when big hormonal changes happen in your body: the Follicular Phase also known as the Early Phase, the Ovulatory Phase which is the Middle Phase and the Luteal Phase which is the End Phase.

While every body is different and menstrual cycle lengths can vary, science is a great guide to better understand our physiology, start to get curious about our own unique hormonal patterns and understand how they can affect our fitness. So let’s get started!

Syncing Training and Cycle

Early Phase: Speed & Power (Day 1 of your period to Day 12 +/-)

Hormone levels are at their lowest at the beginning of your cycle which means physiologically it’s peak performance time. You’re primed to run faster, recover better and feel more energetic.

Training: The follicular phase gives you an athletic advantage, so hit it hard and go for 100% effort with HIIT workouts, sprints or heavy weight training. Try increasing your deadlift by one rep to beat your PR. This is also a great time for your body to develop new skills and learn new techniques. But as always, it’s important to listen to your body first. Whilst some women will feel their best from day 1, others might want to wait until period related symptoms have receded fully to leverage the energy boost of this early follicular phase. Maintaining a light activity in these first days is still a great way to help alleviate cramps and improve period-related symptoms.

Nutrition: Annoying period-related symptoms? Turmeric, dark chocolate, avocado and nuts will tackle the inflammation and muscle contraction that causes bad cramping or bloating.

Syncing Training and Cycle

Middle Phase: Endurance & Strength (Days 13 to 19 +/-)

This is a phase of two parts . As your estrogen rises to ovulation at the beginning of this phase around day 13, you might feel a surge in confidence and strength, pushing you to run for longer and lift heavier. Then the big estrogen drop after ovulation can leave you feeling a bit ‘meh.’ Just listen to your body and crank up or slow down your training accordingly.

Training: You can push yourself on either side of the estrogen surge at the beginning of this phase, when you feel the most powerful. The emphasis in this phase is on moderate intensity, steady state aerobic or longer endurance training. Focus on resistance. So, a tempo run or longer hill repeats if you are running, using moderate loads if you are resistance training. Then taper your training towards the end of the phase ­— lower-intensity and shorter workouts will be your friend.

Nutrition: Eating more carbs, especially pre-workout, will fuel your endurance. Whole grains, bananas, dried fruit and sweet potatoes are full of the good energy you need.

Syncing Training and Cycle

End Phase: Mobility & Recovery (Days 20 to 28 +/-)

As progesterone hormone rises in your body, your energy dips naturally and those PMS symptoms can creep in leading up to your period. The perfect opportunity to be kind to yourself with restorative practices, nutritious meals and good sleep.

Training: Now's the time for mobility and recovery. Light activities and low loads. Focus on flexibility and technique, working on your form. Take this time to meditate, practicing slow yoga and Pilates. Maybe light running drills or long walks. And of course, keep reading to learn more about the impact of your menstrual cycle.

Nutrition: Embrace the cravings caused by the higher progesterone levels with foods naturally higher in sugar. Try Greek yogurt with dried fruit and honey. Mmmm…

Get To Know Your Cycle

Every body and every cycle is different so you need to listen to your unique hormonal patterns to be completely in tune with your physiology. Knowledge is power, and once you better understand yourself, you will be able to adapt your training to your cycle and get the best out of your workouts and more. To help you get started, we created the NikeSync workout collection on Nike Training Club and the Menstrual Cycle Audio Guided Run on Nike Running Club. So whether you prefer to hit the mat or hit the road, we’ve got you covered to help you start your journey.

Syncing Training and Cycle

Originally published: 1 November 2021