Nutrition Tips & Recipes

Everything you need to develop healthy eating habits, including recipes for delicious and sustaining foods.

Feel Better After a Bad Night’s Sleep


Bad Night's Sleep? Bounce Back Now

Follow this plan the morning after a sleepless night to avoid a repeat and feel better.

Athlete’s Cookbook: Colleen Quigley’s Aubergine Pizza


Athlete's Cookbook: Colleen Quigley Kneads to Win

The Team USA athletics star wants to up her pizza-night game in chef Kia Damon's virtual kitchen. Can she earn the title "Chef Colleen"?

Breathing Methods to Keep You in Control


Breathing Methods to Keep You in Control

Whether you want to find your cool mid meltdown or re-energise post-workout, all you need is something you already have: your breath.

Are There Good Types of “Comfort” Food?


Redefining "Comfort" Food

If you struggle with moderation, considering how a food makes you feel beyond the first bite can help you navigate any dinner (or dessert spread).

How to Workout in a Face Mask


Make the Most of Training in a Mask

Your face covering doesn't have to take the wind out of your workout.

Athlete’s Cookbook: Henry Slade's Pasta Carbonara


Athlete's Cookbook: Henry Slade Tries a Tasty-as-Hell Carbonara

The England rugby star can tackle anything—except making pasta for his girlfriend. Can chef Kia Damon coach up his kitchen skills?

Athlete’s Cookbook: Darrell Hill Finds His Cauli-Power


Athlete's Cookbook: Darrell Hill Finds His Cauli-Power

A pro shot-putter struggling with food intolerances "rediscovers his power" with chef Kia Damon's grain-free congee.

How to do a Plant-Based Diet


Fundamentals of a Plant-Based Diet

Cutting out meat and dairy doesn't guarantee better health. Follow these five tips to do plant-based the right way.

Athlete’s Cookbook: Ibtihaj Muhammad’s Shakshuka Shake-Up


Athlete's Cookbook: Ibtihaj Muhammad's Shakshuka Shake-Up

When the Olympic fencer gets nostalgic for her favourite place, chef Kia Damon shows her how to remix Moroccan flavours at home.

Are Eggs Good For Me?


How Healthy Are Eggs, Really?

We've cracked open the latest intel on the good, the not-so-good and the best way to incorporate eggs into your training diet.

Do I Need More Iron in My Diet?


The Mega Mineral You Might Be Missing

Exhausted? Check your iron. Athletes, especially women, are often running low on this performance-making or -breaking nutrient. Here's why.

Which Non-dairy Milk Is Best?


The Athlete's Guide to Alternative Milks

Non-dairy "milk" has gone totally mainstream. But with so many options, it can be tough to know which to choose. Not any more.

Athlete’s Cookbook: Noah Ohlsen’s Macro-Packed Salmon Bowl


Athlete's Cookbook: Noah Ohlsen's MOD (Meal of the Day)

What do you cook for the Second-Fittest Man on Earth? Chef Kia Damon went with this macro-packed salmon bowl.

How Exercise Affects Your Immune System


How Exercise Affects Your Immunity

Does your daily workout help or hinder your body's ability to fight infection? Answer ahead.

The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet


A Deep Dive Into the Mediterranean Diet

See what the popular eating plan really looks like (teaser: it's mostly plant-based)—and why you may want to adopt it today.

How Sugar Affects the Body


Sugar is Sugar is Sugar. Or is it?

Experts unpack your body's reaction to different carbs and how you can satisfy your sweet tooth and your desire to be healthy.

How Gut Health Impacts Overall Health


Get Your Gut in Gear to Feel Great

Discover the power of your GI tract, then use it to improve your workouts, recovery, headspace and more with six expert-backed tips.

How to Read a Food Label Like You’re a Dietitian


Always Judge a Food by Its Packet

This quick test can help you tell whether the item you're eyeing is actually healthy or just the product of creative marketing.

Nutrition Tips & Recipes. Nike Training Club

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