Reach Your Goals with Daily Rituals
Coaching and Nutrition
By Nike Training
How to start and end your day with purpose and focus using "conscientious rituals".
Have you ever questioned why you do the same routine each morning and night? Each day, we might sleep on the same side of the bed, drink the same coffee, eat the same meal and do the same workout. The fact that these patterns are habitual doesn't make them "bad"—they could be normal, healthy routines. The potential problem is that there may not be much purpose involved. And there should be.
One difference between those who perform at the highest level and those who fall short are "conscientious rituals"—routines that have intention and are custom-made to support personal goals.
In my mind, establishing meaningful rituals for the morning and evening is one of the most essential tools for unlocking your potential. These rituals spur positive momentum and are a proclamation to the universe that you know your "why"—the deeply-rooted reasons you're investing time into a purposeful practice—and that you won't deviate from it.
"'Conscientious rituals' are routines that have intention and are custom-made to support personal goals."
To craft these daily rituals, start by setting aside 10 minutes in the morning and at night. What you do during that time should be simple and enjoyable, and most importantly, help support your "why". It may be that you already have a solid routine to begin and end each day, and you just need to tweak or add one thing to better align it to your goals.
For example, if general well-being and improved performance at work are your "whys", each morning you may hydrate, meditate for a few minutes, immediately lace up those running shoes or tap into one of our mini-classes for a quick yoga flow. Each evening, you might take a moment to chill with your favourite music, foam roll, pause to reflect on what went right during the day and make a game plan for tomorrow. Micro-nudges like these may not seem significant at first, but over time they'll compound and positively shape everything you do.
Whether you're beginning these habits from scratch or honing your current routine, give yourself a gut-check on whether your rituals support your goals. Ask yourself: Is my routine helping me to win my morning? And am I unwinding in the evening in a way that keeps me on track?
"Micro-nudges may not seem significant at first, but over time they'll compound and positively shape everything you do".
Your answers are important, because how you start and finish your day affect each other and set an overall tone for how you live. Following a powerful morning ritual will give you energy and drive for the day; a thoughtful evening ritual will prepare you to wake up with purpose and be ready to do it all again.
We are what we repeatedly do, and where our energy flows is where our life will inevitably go. Use your rituals to take control, to do what you truly want to do and to fuel the life you want to live.
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