Don't Take Tomorrow Off

Coaching and Nutrition
Last updated: 4 June 2020

By Ryan Flaherty

Reduce Muscle Soreness By Moving

Even when you're sore, some movement can help

When you increase your training intensity, you should be sore. Yet the way most people handle that soreness is by skipping their workout completely the next day. If you're so sore that you think you need to bench yourself, you may not know that moving will actually help alleviate that soreness much faster than being sedentary.

"The goal is to increase your body temperature and get your blood flowing harder in order to better flush out the lactic acid in your muscles that's making you feel sore".

Ryan Flaherty

That said, I'm not recommending you go hard again the very next day. Instead, I want you to go on a light walk, a light jog or try a 15-minute mobility or yoga workout in NTC, which guides you step by step through active recovery. The goal is to increase your body temperature and get your blood flowing harder in order to better flush out the lactic acid in your muscles that's making you feel sore.

So while it may seem counter-intuitive to move when movement is what shows you how sore you are, it actually helps your body to recover faster. So the next time you're sore, try active recovery—it's a great way to promote recovery after a very difficult workout.

Reduce Muscle Soreness By Moving

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Reduce Muscle Soreness By Moving

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Reduce Muscle Soreness By Moving

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Originally published: 16 April 2020